Hello and welcome!
This blog started as two things: my seven year struggle with infertility, and my passion for helping people become parents. I was a professional doula, lactation counselor, and postpartum placenta specialist for five years in my business MCMaternity.
Fast forward to today, and I am blessed to be expecting my fourth miracle baby. I decided after I welcomed my beautiful twins in 2017 that the on-call lifestyle of a doula was no longer for me, and I closed the figural doors of MCMaternity. I shared with members of my infertility support group that I would be taking my website down, and they urged me to keep the infertility portion of my blog live. Our community needs support, recognition, and every voice we have to end the stigma of infertility, so I happily obliged. I had planned to take down the business portion of my page, but along came my wonderful third babe. I had 3 under 18 months and no time to work on my website…
While I am no longer helping families as a doula, my passion for motherhood, community, and helping others remains. In 2020 as we learned how to live through a pandemic, and try to excel (sometimes), I relied on ideas from other busy mamas to get through my workday whilst keeping 3 toddlers alive and well and busy and active and fed and learning and healthy…and, and, and! It’s a lot, and there’s a heavy load on the shoulders of the working mother today. So I decided to make the most of my pregnancy insomnia (the most beautiful gift of 2020 was finding out we are expecting baby #4!) and get back to blogging.
Long winded story short…I hope to build a space for you to come and find ideas to survive and thrive your days at home with your littles. Toddler activities, recipes I love, parenting hacks, infertility support, lifestyle posts, budget help, you name it. I’ve also been through some pretty heavy shit in my life, and I’d love to help navigate hard times as well.
Speaking of heavy shit, I lost my beautiful, wonderful, extraordinary mama very unexpectedly when I was 25 years old. She was my best friend in the world and the loss was all-consuming. The name of this blog is born from her ashes. Growing up, she was disabled and unable to get up in the morning with us for school, but every night before bed she would set up my (and my brothers’) spot at the table, and write me a loving note. She signed each one with “Love, Mama Wama”. So, not only do I have twins myself, but I can only hope and pray that I can mirror her parenting style, and channel my inner Mama Wama to raise kind humans. And share my experience with you along the way.
Welcome all ?
Twin Mama Wama